Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Bowl: Snowpocalypse Redux Edition

This will be the 8th edition of my annual Super Bowl Party. I have done themes ranging from Italian to frying everything possible. This year has been the closest to fancy I can get, considering that the guest list is around 20 people. But I reckon the football gods decided to challenge me this year since they decided to add a blizzard into the mix. Definitely not a happy camper about this at all! It is just one logistical nightmare.

I had to go shopping yesterday--earlier than I mentally wanted--since the snow storm is currently happening now (Friday). I spent almost 5 hours shopping for the ingredients, hitting up both Costco and a chain grocery store. Costco actually worked out well, as I was able to get the majority of the items needed. The grocery store was also a win mostly for it's cheapness factor. But I had one problem--I had no herbs and not enough meat!!! Needless to say, I was freaking out and incredibly demoralized by the entire day.

Like any good chef, I woke up at 7am in a search for my missing ingredients. Meanwhile, my brain was shooting out different alternative meals based on what would be available at any grocery store. I was seriously prepared to pull off an Iron Chef just to make this party happen. Thankfully, I was able to find all the main ingredients necessary for the party. So now I can fully focus on going crazy since I am stuck in the house for the entire weekend!

As a funny aside... during the stress of this entire fiasco, I neglected to plan out meals to last the entire weekend. Oops!

Anyhoo, keep checking back as I post a series on the 8th edition of my Super Bowl Party! Enjoy the snow if you are out there. And if you are some place warm, like San Diego, I am jealous. I would like to live there with you!

Enjoy the weather!

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